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Oh No, Time to Go…
When its that time for you to depart Sun N Fun, follow the instructions in the video above and the text below and it will be a piece of cake!
Departing the Show:
- Place a sign in your window similar to when you Landed, (this time it should say either VFR or IFR for how you intend to depart)
- If the field is actually IFR at the time you want to leave, YOU CANNOT TAXI until you get your IFR clearance (its easiest to depart VFR)
- Listen to the Departure ATIS on 118.025
- The Flagmen will direct you where to taxi, simply follow the big long line of airplanes
- DO NOT Contact Ground to Taxi
- If you are departing around 5-6pm local, expect lots of departure and arrival traffic as that is when the airport reopens after the mid day airshow.
- You will probably be in a long line of airplanes for departure, don’t worry about getting in line early and letting your engine run, the line moves quick when the runways re-open.
- Departing RWY 09L/27R monitor 133.125 | Departing RWY 09R/27L monitor 127.850.