Premium Ground School
This Course is available to members with a paid membership of Flight Engineer or higher. You will be able to skip through the Course without having to progress through each lesson in order, and will not have to wait for the lesson timer to allow you to view the next lesson.
This course will cover the basic knowledge required of a private pilot to pass the Private Pilot Airplane written exam, and will prepare you for your flight training in an actual aircraft with your flight instructor.
Premium Features:
- 20+ More videos than the Free Course
- Get your Endorsement to Take the Written (When you complete this course and the Written Prep Bootcamp included with this course)
- Access to Tech Support and Support from our CFIs
- Extra TOPICs inside many of the LESSONs
- When you buy this course or Sign Up for access you’ll get the Written Prep Bootcamp included for FREE!
It is broken up into LESSONS, and each LESSON has several TOPICS.
- Click on TAKE THIS COURSE to sign up for the course
- Click on LESSON 1 and watch the corresponding video and read the material
- Click on the TOPICS within the lesson to view the videos and read the material
- Once you have viewed all the topics complete the QUIZ to move onto the next LESSON
Important Notes:
- Set realistic goals for yourself.
- There is A LOT of material here that will prepare you to become a Pilot. Take your time going through the lessons
- Realistically expect to complete only one or two lessons in a day.
- ENSURE YOU MARK YOUR LESSONS and TOPICS COMPLETE using the MARK COMPLETE button in the bottom left of each lesson and topic. You must spend the minimum time shown on the TIMER in the bottom left of the screen to be able to mark the topic complete.
- Feel free to work ahead, and even complete the entire course before you ever take your first flight lesson. You can always go back and review later if needed.
- If you struggle with a concept, we are the ONLY online ground school that allows you to screenshot a page or question you are struggling with (email it to and receive one on one help from our CFIs here at FLY8MA.
Course Content
About Instructor

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