Lesson 5 of 9
In Progress

Systems: Electrical

General Knowledge Questions

  1. What type of electrical system does this aircraft use?
    • (E.g., direct current [DC] or alternating current [AC]; single- or dual-bus systems.)
  2. What is the voltage and amperage of the system?
    • (E.g., 14V/28V system, 60-amp alternator.)
  3. What is the purpose of the alternator/generator?
    • How does it differ from the battery’s role?
  4. What is a bus bar, and what is its purpose in the electrical system?
  5. How does the aircraft handle an overvoltage situation?
  6. What is the purpose of circuit breakers and fuses?
  7. What happens if the alternator fails in flight?
    • How will you recognize this, and what actions will you take?
  8. How does the battery recharge during flight?
  9. What is the function of the voltage regulator?

System-Specific Questions

  1. Explain the function of the master switch.
    • What does the split switch control (e.g., alternator and battery)?
  2. What happens if the alternator or generator belt fails?
  3. Which instruments or systems are electrically powered?
    • (E.g., lights, radios, fuel pump, flaps, avionics, etc.)
  4. Does this aircraft have a standby alternator or battery? If so, how is it used?
  5. How can you determine if the alternator/generator is functioning properly?
  6. What systems or equipment would lose power first in an electrical failure?
  7. What is the role of the ammeter/voltmeter?
    • How would you interpret abnormal readings?
  8. What precautions should you take when turning on electrical equipment, especially avionics?
  9. How is the starter powered, and what precautions should you take during engine start?

Scenario-Based Questions

  1. You notice the ammeter is showing a discharge in flight. What does this indicate, and how do you respond?
  2. The alternator warning light comes on during flight. What steps will you take to troubleshoot?
  3. If you lose all electrical power, which instruments and systems will still function?
  4. What actions would you take if a circuit breaker pops? Can you reset it?
  5. Describe what happens if you inadvertently run the battery down during preflight. What steps will you take to ensure a safe flight?
  6. You experience electrical system anomalies, such as flickering lights or erratic instrument behavior. How would you diagnose the problem?
  7. What would you do if an overvoltage condition is detected?
  8. You are in IMC, and the electrical system fails. What systems can you rely on?

Advanced or Multi-Engine-Specific Questions

  1. How does the electrical system in this aircraft differ from a single-engine aircraft?
    • (E.g., dual alternators, redundancy.)
  2. What is the purpose of an inverter in an AC system?
  3. How are the alternators/generators synchronized in a multi-engine aircraft?
  4. If one alternator fails in a twin-engine aircraft, how is the load managed?

