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g1000 system diagram

Core Components of the G1000 System:

  1. Primary Flight Display (PFD):
    • Displays attitude, airspeed, altitude, heading, vertical speed, and navigation information.
    • Includes a horizontal situation indicator (HSI) for course tracking.
  2. Multi-Function Display (MFD):
    • Provides moving maps, engine data, weather, traffic, and system status.
    • Can also display navigation data, supplementing the PFD.
  3. Integrated Avionics Units (GIA 63/63W):
    • Serves as the brains of the system, housing:
      • Communication radios (COM 1/2).
      • Navigation radios (NAV 1/2).
      • GPS receivers (WAAS-enabled in the GIA 63W).
    • Two units provide redundancy.
  4. Audio Panel (GMA 1347):
    • Controls audio sources, intercom functions, and marker beacon signals.
  5. Air Data Computer (GDC 74A):
    • Measures and processes pitot-static inputs (airspeed, altitude, vertical speed).
  6. Attitude and Heading Reference System (AHRS – GRS 77):
    • Provides attitude, heading, and rate-of-turn information.
    • Uses accelerometers, magnetometers, and rate sensors.
  7. Magnetometer (GMU 44):
    • Measures the earth’s magnetic field to provide heading information to the AHRS.
  8. Engine and Airframe Unit (GEA 71):
    • Monitors and displays engine data, fuel flow, and other system status information on the MFD.
  9. Transponder (GTX 33/33ES):
    • Mode S transponder (ADS-B Out with ES option) for enhanced surveillance and compliance with FAA requirements.
  10. Autopilot (if installed – GFC 700):
    • Fully integrated with the G1000 system.
    • Provides pitch, roll, and altitude control with vertical and lateral navigation modes.
  11. Data Cards:
    • SD cards for database updates (navigation, terrain, and obstacle data) and logging flight data.
  12. Backup Instruments:
    • Traditional analog instruments for airspeed, attitude, and altitude are typically installed as a redundancy.

Additional Features (Optional or Add-Ons):

  1. Weather Radar (GWX 70):
    • Provides real-time weather radar data on the MFD.
  2. Traffic Advisory System (TAS or TCAS):
    • Displays nearby aircraft for collision avoidance.
  3. ADS-B In/Out:
    • Traffic and weather integration for enhanced situational awareness.

Things to Know for the Exam:

  • System Redundancy:
    • Two GIA units ensure communication, navigation, and GPS redundancy.
    • AHRS and Air Data Computer ensure attitude and altitude data reliability.
    • Reversionary mode (single-screen operation) is available if a display fails.
  • Power Sources:
    • Understand the electrical bus configuration for G1000 systems and the importance of backup batteries.
  • Database Updates:
    • Familiarize yourself with the importance of keeping navigation, obstacle, and terrain databases current.
  • Failure Procedures:
    • Be prepared to discuss actions in the event of PFD/MFD, AHRS, or ADC failures.
