How do I signup for Membership?
You can signup for free or paid membership on the
How do I change my level of Membership (subscription level)?
You can change you subscription level under Members>My Account>
Subscriptions or click HERE.
A Lesson or Topic will not let me MARK COMPLETE and move on.

Have you completed and marked complete all previous LESSSON and TOPICS (both lessons and topics have mark complete buttons)? Have you spent the required time on each LESSON or TOPIC? If there is a timer near the MARK COMPLETE button that is counting down, you must wait until it reaches zero to click the MARK COMPLETE button.
You want to ensure you see green check marks on all of your TOPICS before trying to mark a LESSON complete, or taking a quiz:
The timer on LESSONS and TOPICS resets when I log out and I have to wait for it to run down when I log back in before I can move on.
This is normal if your browser is not allowing cookies to be saved from You can either change the settings on your browser, or ensure you mark your TOPIC complete you are working on before logging out.
How Do I View My Certificate After Completing a Course?
You can do this one of two ways…. First, Click on MY COURSES and click on the ribbon icon next to that course that you wish to view the certificate for. Second, go to the homepage for that course (simply click on the course from the COURSES tab and you will see a button to “PRINT MY CERTIFICATE” on the right hand side of the course homepage once you’ve completed the course 100%
How Do I Pause or Cancel My Subscription?
To modify your subscription, either upgrade or downgrade, you hover over: Subscription Options, click on My Account > Subscriptions.
Here’s the link to your account page:
If you have completed your coursework and do not want to be billed in the future, select “Free Membership” when you change your subscription, as this will keep all of your course data saved if you wish to access it in the future.