Confined Area Landing

Confined area landings are pretty straight forward when you’re just talking about a small lake.  Landing in “confined” canyons or rivers is something we’ll cover…

Quick Tips

Below you’ll find a list of short videos that help prepare you for both your seplane flying and the checkride!  

Regular Seaplane Flight Lessons

Here you can view four regular seaplane flight lessons.  This is similar to what you can expect when you attend most “weekend” seaplane rating courses. …

Don Lee’s Do’s and Don’ts

For those of you who don’t know, Don Lee is one of the legendary Alaskan bush pilots who has been flying floats longer than most…

Preflighting Your Seaplane

To sum up how a seaplane preflight is different: Watch for the float plane listing or tilting when you first approach it. Remove water from…

Seaplane Basics

Let’s cover some basics about seaplanes. There are two types, flying boats or hull planes, and seaplanes on floats (pontoons) often called float planes. Just…

Tips for the Piper Pacer

Piper Pacer Tips It has a short wing for its weight, don’t get slow You need speed to climb, don’t leave ground effect too quickly…

Tips for the Searey

Searey Transition Tips Three-point landings tend to be easier than wheel landings The tailwheel doesn’t always extend when lowering the gear (check it in the…

Tips for the J-3 Cub

Pinch the throttle with your pointer finger and thumb, use fingertip pressure for small power changes, rather than pushing or pulling the throttle. Brace your…

Rules of the Water

When a seaplane is on the water, FAA, Coast Guard, and local water rules all apply. 91.115   Right-of-way rules: Water operations. (a) General. Each person operating an aircraft…