Class A Airspace Pr Copy

Class A, that’s high eh? Class A airspace is a fairly straight forward type of airspace to understand, it covers the entire globe, from 18,000′…

Turns About a Point Pr Copy

Turning and Pointing Well, it’s a little more than just that.  The idea behind a “turn about a point” is to develop a skill of…

Class A Airspace Pr

Class A, that’s high eh? Class A airspace is a fairly straight forward type of airspace to understand, it covers the entire globe, from 18,000′…

Turns About a Point Pr

Turning and Pointing Well, it’s a little more than just that.  The idea behind a “turn about a point” is to develop a skill of…

Turns About a Point

Turning and Pointing Well, it’s a little more than just that.  The idea behind a “turn about a point” is to develop a skill of…

Class A Airspace

Class A, that’s high eh? Class A airspace is a fairly straight forward type of airspace to understand, it covers the entire globe, from 18,000′…

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