Soft Field Landing Pr Copy

Returning to Earth…Softly. The idea behind a soft field landing is to land as softly as possible, and most importantly be ready to go around…

Soft Field Takeoff Pr Copy

Soft Field Takeoff Super soft ah!!!  Well in this particular case, a soft field isn’t really a good thing.  A true soft field (soft sand,…

Soft Field Landing Pr

Returning to Earth…Softly. The idea behind a soft field landing is to land as softly as possible, and most importantly be ready to go around…

Soft Field Takeoff Pr

Soft Field Takeoff Super soft ah!!!  Well in this particular case, a soft field isn’t really a good thing.  A true soft field (soft sand,…

Soft Field Landing

Returning to Earth…Softly. The idea behind a soft field landing is to land as softly as possible, and most importantly be ready to go around…

Soft Field Takeoff

Soft Field Takeoff Super soft ah!!!  Well in this particular case, a soft field isn’t really a good thing.  A true soft field (soft sand,…

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