UAS Convective Activity

Ain’t that pretty?! Well ya, but it would probably be a lot less pretty if you were flying in the middle of it rather than…

UAS Loading / Lift

How much can the wing carry? What we are looking at here is a graph of the load (G loading or G-forces) felt on the…

UAS Fog / Density Altitude

All these types of Fog are foggy in my brain! While there are 6 different types of fog, they all have somewhat unique characteristics, and…

UAS Airport Operations

Watch the video first, then read below to enhance your knowledge, feel free to re-watch the video as many times as you’d like. Because this…

UAS Special Use Airspace

Special Use airspace includes: Prohibited Areas: Areas aircraft cannot fly. Restricted Areas: Areas that are restricted to aircraft operations and require prior permission to enter…

Currency | Proficiency

Congratulations on choosing to become a FAA certificated Drone Pilot! There is one important distinction we’d like to make before we jump into this course……

When / How You Can Fly

When can you operate? The Remote PIC must be designated before each flight (basically you need to make it clear who is legally responsible for…