
  • 4 Lessons

    Rusty Pilot / BFR Prep Course

    In this course we'll take you through a few quick brief refreshers for those of you who are getting ready for a Flight Review with an instructor, whether you fly regularly or even if it has been 10 years since you've been in the cockpit!
  • 12 Lessons

    Seaplanes! How to Fly Them!

    Learn all of the basics and some advanced maneuvers of flying floats! In this course we'll cover both float flying and flying boats using real-world examples of a J-3 Cub, Searey, and Piper Pacer! Use this course to brush up on your float flying skills or prepare to go and take your float rating. You'll save time and money by using this course and being better prepared for your seaplane training and checkride!
  • 6 Lessons

    Ski Flying Course

    Our online airplane ski flying course is broken down into 7 sections consisting of video and picture-based lessons to help you visualize what flying on skis will be like.  All filming is done in Alaska flying off everything from airports, backcountry strips, frozen lakes, glaciers, and more.
  • 3 Lessons

    Spin Awareness

    Learn the basics of Spins and more importantly how to avoid them! You'll learn a lot more about angle of attack and stalls, then see a full preflight brief with student and instructor before watching what they actually look like in the airplane and learning the proper general recovery techniques.
  • 4 Lessons

    Tailwheel Training Course

    In this course you will get an introduction to the operation of tailwheel/taildragger aircraft while taxiing, taking off, and landing, as well as the ground knowledge to prep you for flying one of these awesome aircraft!
  • 6 Lessons

    UAS Drone Rules and Regulations

    Learn the rules regarding drones or sUAS that are ever changing. This course will be constantly updated to keep you up to date with the latest rules and regulations from the FAA pertaining to drones. Check it out for updates every month or so!
  • 2 Lessons

    Weather Refresher IFR / VFR

    You must sign up for a membership to take this course. Click Here to SignUp! Username Password Remember Me     Forgot Password
  • 11 Lessons

    WeatherXplore Lessons

    10 short weather lessons with real-world scenarios of weather you may encounter as a General Aviation pilot!
  • 1 Lesson

    Would You Crash This Airplane?

    Take this course and see if you have the skills to avoid a fatal accident. Follow through with us step by step as the accident chain develops, and see if you have the ADM skills to say STOP before its too late.