Why Lesson 2 Matters….

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Private Pilot Lesson 2 Why it Matters

When I was a student I always asked WHY?!   As a student there was so much JUNK I just didn’t care about because it seemed totally unimportant and a waste of my valuable time to study any of it.  Now as an Instructor, I ask students to spend a lot of their time studying what I tell them to.  With that in mind, I think it’s only fair I share with all of you why the LESSONS I’ve created are important for you to study, remember, and constantly review from time to time to keep fresh in your mind.  Here’s why the TOPICS in LESSON 1 are relevant…..   (stay tuned for more WHY’s on all of our LESSONS).

Left Turning Tendencies

If your airplane is trying to turn left on you, then it is important to understand exactly why and how to counteract that.  Even more important is to be able to anticicpate when it is going to try and turn left on you so you can expect it and correct for it.  You may have heard of pilots losing control in a “spin” and hitting the ground just short of the runway.  Often these types of “spin” accidents are fatal and very preventable also.  If you understand left turning tendencies and how to properly counteract such tendencies in an airplane, you will never find yourself in a “spin” and will be a much safer pilot will this new found knowledge.  To learn more about Spins specifically, check out our Spin Awareness Course under the “ALL COURSES” tab.

Slow Flight

Slow flight is when you get to practice controlling your airplane in a very slow state.  Slow (low energy) flight states are dangerous for pilots and often what lead to accidents including spin accidents.  Controlling the airplane while flying slow (such as when you are coming in to land) is a skill that is built upon your knowledge of left turning tendencies, you can’t master one without the other!  Learn to fly slow and how to recover from flying slow and you’ll be a safer pilot for it!

Airport Signs and Markings

You have to read street signs to be able to drive, you have to be able to read airport signs to know where you are, where you are going, how to get there, and where it is not safe for you to go!  Airport signs and markings are universal among all airports and will be your primary to report to other pilots and ATC where you are!

Radio Calls

Communication is key!  Being able to talk to other pilots about where they are and what they are doing, as well as where you are and what you are doing is essential for helping to maintain safe separation of aircraft on the ground and in the sky.  Planes move fast and cover a lot of ground, you need to be able to talk with other pilots at non-towered airports to get a picture of where everyone is and where they’re headed to steer clear of each other!  Save the fireworks shows for the 4th of July!

The Traffic Pattern

Driving on the left side of the road here in the states would be a pretty bad idea.  So is trying to flying against the flow of traffic in the sky.  Following an orderly pattern keeps traffic flowing smoothly and greatly reduces the risk of a midair collision.  If just one airplane tries to invent their own way to fly around the airport, it can cause big problems very quickly. Don’t be THAT GUY!!!

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