Commercial ASEL Oral

 Casey is a CFI candidate with about 250 hours total time in Florida. Simulated cross country from PANC to PAYA.  Mike is a current…

Steep Spirals

Steep Spirals So imagine you are flying along fat, dumb, and happy (or imagine your friend is flying along fat and dumb if you’re insecure)…

Power-off 180 Degree Landing

Making the Power Off 180 Work! So a lot of applicants get very worried about the power off 180 thinking they only have one chance…


Eights on Pylons How to Begin… First, you’ll need to find Pivotal Altitude.  What is Pivotal Altitude?  Great question! Pivotal altitude is the height for a…

Lazy 8’s

Don’t Be LAZY when practicing Lazy Eights! The Lazy Eight is designed to show complete mastery of aircraft control at different air speeds, bank angles,…


What’s this Chandelier Maneuver All About? Its pronounced shan-dells….and it stems from an old warbird maneuver dating back to the first and second world wars. …

Guaranteed To Pass Your Checkride

Want to be GUARANTEED to PASS your FAA Checkride? Sign up for our premium checkride prep and I personally Guarantee You Will Pass Your FAA…

Oral Questions Quiz

Practice Oral Exam Take this chance to print out the PDF file below and complete as many of the questions as possible.  Scan and email…


VFR FLYWAY Charts So what exactly is a FLYWAY chart?  Well, it’s a chart that depicts VFR FLYWAYs of course. A VFR FLYWAY is a…

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