Left Turning Tendencies Pr Copy

Why the Plane Always Wants to Go Left: So there are a couple reasons why propeller driven aircraft always seem to want to turn left…

Slow Flight Pr Copy

Flying Slow: During slow flight you will develop the skills to fly the airplane at slow speeds, similar to the speeds during the most critical…

How To Preflight The Plane Pr Copy

How to Preflight Your Airplane: In this topic, we’ll cover how to do a proper preflight on a Piper Cherokee.  You’ll find preflighting any airplane…

The Parts of The Plane Pr Copy

Let’s go ahead and name all the parts of the airplane.  During this topic, feel free to download the image below and print it out…

Four Forces of Flight Pr Copy

There are four fundamental forces involved and acting on the airplane at all times in flight. They are: THRUST AND DRAG (THRUST opposes DRAG) LIFT…

Basic Flight Controls Pr Copy

All airplanes are controlled in 3 axis. To do this, we have 3 PRIMARY flight controls Ailerons (roll) Elevator (pitch) Rudder (yaw) Examples of Secondary…

Unusual Attitudes Gone Wrong SC

Avoid doing this when practicing unusual attitudes……   What could have been done to avoid the improper recovery here?  Leave your answers in the forum!…

Unusual Attitudes SC

Wow, that’s very unusual. Yes, what you are about to embark upon will be quite unusual.  Your CFI is about to make you close your…