Pilot Reports This isn’t a report card of how good of a pilot you are (but good pilots do know how to read PIREPS). A…


AIRMETs and SIGMETs The big scary warnings of when not to fly!  If you remember almost nothing from this TOPIC, then just REMEMBER these two…

Radar Summary Charts SC

To sum it up, ya there’s a lotta rain out there…. Watch the video above, and after that, take notes below. What you need to…

Graphic Forecast Area SC

Graphic Forecast Area Tool We used to have something called “area forecasts”.  Don’t worry, you’re not missing out on much.  They were several pages long…

Mountain Weather SC

Nice Hat! I want a hat like that!  Looks pretty cool! Now we’ve already talked about clouds, but in this TOPIC we are going to…

Fog SC

All these types of Fog are foggy in my brain! While there are 6 different types of fog, they all have somewhat unique characteristics, and…

Weather Fronts SC

Don’t stand in front of that Front! Well actually let’s say don’t stand fly in front of that front.  A Front is a boundary or…

Basic Cloud Types SC

Cloud Spotting Games Next time you have nothing better to do, go be a kid again and look up at the clouds and see what…


The Very Inaccurate VOR Approach! It’s no surprise this is a non-precision approach. They might as well call this an obstacle clearing procedure rather than…