Cross Country Considerations Pr

Planning out Your Cross-Country Flight Check out the video above to see a quick example of how you would do your initial planning for a…

Airport Diagrams Pr

No Google Maps at Your Destination Airport Unfortunately, you will not have google maps on your cell phone to guide you around the taxiways and…

Airport Lighting Pr

 I can see the Light!!! There are lots of different lights out there to help you find your way at night and in low visibility. …

Nighttime Considerations Pr

Seeing in the Dark The human eye works differently at night than it does in the daytime.  See the three diagrams below.  At night, your…

Night Time Flying Pr

Wondering why people fly at night? Check out how beautiful it can be in the video above! Things to consider for nighttime flight planning….

Regulations Pr

Federal Aviation Regulations Hope you’re still awake there guys!  Understandably the “book work” side of things with ADM, Medical Factors, etc. isn’t quite as exciting…


Aeronautical Decision Making, Crew Resource Management, Single Pilot Resource Management While these might be big fancy titles, the actual concepts they represent are actually much…

Risk Matrix / Hazardous Attitudes Pr

Avoiding Risk… In this topic we’ll talk about two different ways to avoid risk.  The first is using the risk assessment matrix as described in…

Medical Factors Pr

Medications and the FAA Obviously, lots of us take medications for one thing or another.  If you are training for your Sport Pilot Certificate it…