Terminal Area Charts Pr

TAC Charts Please don’t call them TAC Charts (you are literally saying Terminal Area Chart Charts). In any case, these charts contain awesome detailed information…

Pre Solo Quiz Pr

Test Time: The pre-solo aeronautical knowledge test bellow is an example of what you can expect to receive from your CFI to complete at home…

Fog Pr

All these types of Fog are foggy in my brain! While there are 6 different types of fog, they all have somewhat unique characteristics, and…

Mountain Weather Pr

Nice Hat! I want a hat like that!  Looks pretty cool! Now we’ve already talked about clouds, but in this TOPIC we are going to…

Basic Cloud Types Pr

Cloud Spotting Games Next time you have nothing better to do, go be a kid again and look up at the clouds and see what…

Weather Fronts Pr

Don’t stand in front of that Front! Well actually let’s say don’t stand fly in front of that front.  A Front is a boundary or…

GPS Basics Pr

Siri, navigate my plane to Key West Airport……. If only it were that easy…..but that would take a lot of the fun out of flying! …

VOR Navigation Made Easy Pr

Fly me TO the moon! Ya, well, there isn’t a VOR station on the moon so we can’t actually use a VOR to get to…