The Weighing and Balancing Act Pr

How much to put where? Manually calculating weight and balance is really the same as your basic high school math class.  Take the example below…

VFR Chart Basics Pr

I love this Section(al)! Me TOO!  I mean, I love sectional charts.  The Sectional Chart or “VFR Chart” is the primary map used by VFR…

The Instrument Panel Explained Pr

The Power of the Panel While as a Private Pilot you will be training to fly VFR only and constantly look outside the cockpit, it…

Electrical System Pr

Gee, that’s shocking! Let’s look a electricity in a new way.  In this TOPIC, we’ll talk about electricity as if it was water flowing through…

Managing Your Engine Pr

You want the engine to like it’s Manager Pilot. As the PIC you are going to be doing your best to take care of your engine. …

What Makes it Work Pr

The big loud magic! Engines may seem like magic, and if they do, that’s not a problem at all.  By the end of this TOPIC…

Soft Field Landing Pr

Returning to Earth…Softly. The idea behind a soft field landing is to land as softly as possible, and most importantly be ready to go around…

Soft Field Takeoff Pr

Soft Field Takeoff Super soft ah!!!  Well in this particular case, a soft field isn’t really a good thing.  A true soft field (soft sand,…

Short Field Landing Pr

Short Field Landing The idea here it to clear an imaginary (or real) 50′ obstacle and then land on a very “short” runway.  You will…