Taxiing in the Wind Pr

You’ll often find that it is always windy at the airport whenever you want to fly, whether or not you live in Kansas. This means…

Load Factor Pr

How much can the wing carry? What we are looking at here is a graph of the load (G loading or G-forces) felt on the…

Steep Turns Pr

How to turn the Airplane: While making turns in the airplane may seem simple, making coordinated, level turns and rolling out specifically where you want…

Choosing a CFI / School Pr

How to choose a place to train! We get a lot of questions about how to properly choose a CFI or a Flight School for…

The Traffic Pattern Pr

Flying the Traffic Pattern: In this topic, we’ll cover the standard airport traffic pattern, how to stay in the airport traffic pattern without going out…

Slow Flight Pr

Flying Slow: During slow flight you will develop the skills to fly the airplane at slow speeds, similar to the speeds during the most critical…

Airport Markings and Signs Pr

Watch the video first, then read below to enhance your knowledge, feel free to re-watch the video as many times as you’d like. Because this…

Left Turning Tendencies Pr

Why the Plane Always Wants to Go Left: So there are a couple reasons why propeller driven aircraft always seem to want to turn left…

How to do a Normal Takeoff Pr

How to Takeoff: In the video above, we’ll walk you through the steps of a Normal Takeoff. This is the procedure for taking off when…