FLYWAY Charts Pr Copy
VFR FLYWAY Charts So what exactly is a FLYWAY chart? Well, it’s a chart that depicts VFR FLYWAYs of course. A VFR FLYWAY is a…
VFR FLYWAY Charts So what exactly is a FLYWAY chart? Well, it’s a chart that depicts VFR FLYWAYs of course. A VFR FLYWAY is a…
Because there wasn’t already enough info on your Sectional Chart Since the FAA was only able to cram five thousand and one pieces of info…
TAC Charts Please don’t call them TAC Charts (you are literally saying Terminal Area Chart Charts). In any case, these charts contain awesome detailed information…
So Much on this Sectional Sectional charts offer A TON of very valuable information for us Pilots. In the video above, we’ll go over some…
Test Time: The pre-solo aeronautical knowledge test bellow is an example of what you can expect to receive from your CFI to complete at home…
The required documents On the day you solo, you’ll need to carry a few specific things with you. Besides the required documents for the airplane,…
All these types of Fog are foggy in my brain! While there are 6 different types of fog, they all have somewhat unique characteristics, and…
Nice Hat! I want a hat like that! Looks pretty cool! Now we’ve already talked about clouds, but in this TOPIC we are going to…
Cloud Spotting Games Next time you have nothing better to do, go be a kid again and look up at the clouds and see what…
Ain’t that pretty?! Well ya, but it would probably be a lot less pretty if you were flying in the middle of it rather than…