Weather Fronts Pr Copy

Don’t stand in front of that Front! Well actually let’s say don’t stand fly in front of that front.  A Front is a boundary or…

GPS Basics Pr Copy

Siri, navigate my plane to Key West Airport……. If only it were that easy…..but that would take a lot of the fun out of flying! …

VFR Chart Basics Pr Copy

I love this Section(al)! Me TOO!  I mean, I love sectional charts.  The Sectional Chart or “VFR Chart” is the primary map used by VFR…

Electrical System Pr Copy

Gee, that’s shocking! Let’s look a electricity in a new way.  In this TOPIC, we’ll talk about electricity as if it was water flowing through…

Managing Your Engine Pr Copy

You want the engine to like it’s Manager Pilot. As the PIC you are going to be doing your best to take care of your engine. …

What Makes it Work Pr Copy

The big loud magic! Engines may seem like magic, and if they do, that’s not a problem at all.  By the end of this TOPIC…