Reading the Weather – TAFs Pr

Terminal Aerodrome Forecasts TAFs are very similar to METARs in the sense that they use the same coding abbreviations and a very similar structure.  Obviously…

Reading the Weather – METARs Pr

METARs METARs are a snapshot in time, a simple observation of what the weather was doing at a particular moment.  They are an excellent tool…

Angle Of Attack Pr

The Angle it Attacks Angle of Attack, or AOA as we’ll call it going forward, is technically defined as such: THE ANGLE AT WHICH THE…

The Secret to Being Stable Pr

The trick to being more stable than Charlie Sheen isn’t just abstaining from drugs and alcohol.  Safe and STABLE approaches all start with how you…

The Power Curve Pr

It’s all about the POWER: Of course big powerful airplanes are cool, but in reality most of the training aircraft we fly have relatively little…

Taxiing in the Wind Pr

You’ll often find that it is always windy at the airport whenever you want to fly, whether or not you live in Kansas. This means…

Steep Turns Pr

How to turn the Airplane: While making turns in the airplane may seem simple, making coordinated, level turns and rolling out specifically where you want…

The Traffic Pattern Pr

Flying the Traffic Pattern: In this topic, we’ll cover the standard airport traffic pattern, how to stay in the airport traffic pattern without going out…

Slow Flight Pr

Flying Slow: During slow flight you will develop the skills to fly the airplane at slow speeds, similar to the speeds during the most critical…