Arrival Time Windows

Planning Your Arrival Plan your arrival time accordingly so you do not have to land at a satellite airport waiting for KLAL to re-open.  The…

Lake Parker Arrival Procedure

All Aircraft Except Jets and Warbirds [embedyt][/embedyt] From Way out Yonder… From wherever you are coming from, maneuver to approach LAKE PARKER from the North,…

Choosing a CFI / School

How to choose a place to train! We get a lot of questions about how to properly choose a CFI or a Flight School for…

Hobby Aftermath

Accident Chain: Unfamiliar Airport Long Flight (3hrs stuck in a small airplane) Get-there-itis (visiting sick father-in-law, and delivering her two passengers to the destination) Disregarded…

Hobby Flight

The Flight After being airborne for nearly 3 hours, N4252G approached the Class B airspace of Houston Hobby Airport.  Given the large speed difference between…

Hobby Accident Background

Flight Background On June 9th, 2016, Cirrus N4252G departed KOUN for KHOU about 350nm away.  On board was the pilot (Dana), her husband (Tony), and…


MODE C Transponders Well first, what is a transponder?  A transponder is a little box mounted in the panel of your airplane where you can…

Guaranteed To Pass Your Checkride

Want to be GUARANTEED to PASS your FAA Checkride? Sign up for our premium checkride prep and I personally Guarantee You Will Pass Your FAA…

Instrument Pilot Videos Preview

IFR Instrument Pilot Ground School Preview Check out some of the videos that make up our Instrument Pilot Ground School!  If you’re thinking about getting…

Graphic Forecast Area

Graphic Forecast Area Tool We used to have something called “area forecasts”.  Don’t worry, you’re not missing out on much.  They were several pages long…